
Doctor's Day Celebration on 1st July 2024 @2.30pm.

Date :Jul 1, 2024

Doctor's day  celebration was held at Father Muller Nursing College Thumbay  on 1st July 2024 at 2.30pm.

To grace this occasion Rev Fr Richard A Coelho, Director, FMCI, Rev Fr Sylvester Vincent Lobo, Administrator, FMHT, Dr Kiran Shetty, Medical Superintendent FMHT, Dr Sr Judy SIC, Principal FMNCT were present.

The programme began with a prayer song followed by welcome address by       Rev. Fr Sylvester Vincent Lobo.

To celebrate the occasion, a delicious cake was cut by the dignitaries on the dais and by all the doctors.

President of the programme Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director FMCI, congratulated and appreciated the Doctors for their hard work, skills dedication and commitment. God is the healer  and we are His instruments. He is working through your hands, knowledge and skills. Whatever may be struggles or challenges that you have faced in the past, at the end you have a fulfillment that you have saved or touched many lives.

Dr Sarita Lobo, Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology shared  the experience of being a Doctor, she said, "she joined the medical profession in the year 2001 and has no regrets when she looks  back. The journey as a post graduate,  then as a  faculty in FMMC Kankanady and at FMHT is been fulfilling. We all do our best in our capacities to give the best possible results and the feedback our patients give is a testimony to this". Medical profession is the most sort after profession in  the world. People used to look up top doctors as next to God or as life savers-covid 19 pandemic is a good example she said.

All the Doctors were felicitated with fruit bearing saplings by Dr Sr Judy SIC, Principal FMNCT.   PG's & Interns were felicitated with roses by Dr.Kiran Shetty, MS FMHT.       

         To keep the audience active fun  games were conducted by Dr. Chinmayee, Senior Resident, Dept of ENT and prizes were distributed to all the winners by  the Administrator. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Anushree, Senior Resident, Dept of Opthalmology. The programme was eloquently compered by Dr Suvidha Kamath, Senior Resident, Dept of Dermatology.

Programme concluded by singing Institution Anthem. Refreshment was   served to all.


