Vision & Mission


Our Vision is to heal and comfort the suffering humanity with compassion and respect, and to be recognized as a global leader in medical education and research.


Educate and Train: Equip students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical sciences through innovative and interactive teaching methods.
Promote Research: Foster a culture of scientific inquiry and innovation by encouraging cutting-edge research that addresses current and future healthcare challenges.
Develop Professionals: Shape competent, ethical, and compassionate pharmacy professionals who are prepared to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare industry.
Enhance Community Health: Engage in community outreach and service to improve health outcomes and promote wellness locally and globally.
Encourage Lifelong Learning: Instill a commitment to continuous learning and professional development to ensure graduates remain at the forefront of the pharmacy profession.
Collaborate and Lead: Build partnerships with healthcare institutions, industry, and academia to advance pharmaceutical education and practice, and lead initiatives that contribute to the improvement of global healthcare.