Medical Record Department

Medical Record Department

Medical Records is a systematic documentation of a patient’s medical history and care given. It serves as a basis for planning patient care, documenting communication between the health care provider and any other health professionals contributing to the patient care, assisting in protecting the legal interest of the patient and the health care providers responsible for the patients care. In addition, it serves as a document to educate medical students, resident physicians, to provide data for internal hospital auditing and quality assurance and to provide data for medical research

Medical Record contains the patient’s identification information, the patient’s health history and medical examination findings. Medical Record also contains a summary of the patient’s current and previous medications a well as any medical allergies.


A reference room in the inpatient Medical Records Department is provided to doctors, nurses and medical students. On the basis of ICD–Xth Revision, retrieval of diagnostic related groups for research purpose, project work, dissertation and case study presentation.


Medical Records Officer 1
Asst Medical Records Officer 1
In–charge 1
Junior Assistant Clerk 25
Attenders 13
