Father Muller Charitable Institutions

Father Muller College




Date : Oct 24, 2023

The students of Father Muller College, Department of Speech and Hearing actively participated in the 'MEDI EXPO 2023' for two consecutive days on the 13th and 14th October, 2023 where they showcased a range of instruments related to Speech and Hearing from the department including an artificial larynx, various types of Hearing Aids, Audiometer and  Digital Otoscope. These instruments are crucial in aiding individuals with speech and hearing impairments, and the students provided detailed explanations about their functions and use to the visitors. 

The students also took the opportunity to explain and demonstrate an innovative idea of their own,  an app called "Sign to Speech" that would aim to aid the Hearing and Speech handicapped that use sign Language by translating them into spontaneous speech for the general public that isn't educated with Sign Language. The expo attendees took great interest in it. 

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