

Date :Nov 18, 2020

In view of Children's Day 2020, the Department of Pediatrics of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College organized online competitions for children aged 3 to 14 yrs. The competitions were Fancy dress for 3-6 year old, Elocution for 6 - 10 year old, and Mono act for 10 - 14 year old. The total numbers of participants were 91 with 48 for Fancy dress, 37 for Elocution and 6 for Mono-act. The theme for the Fancy dress competition was "A vegetable", the topic for elocution was "My most memorable day" and the theme for Mono act was "An interview with a famous personality". The participants were from various parts of India and a few from abroad.

The results of the competitions were announced on 18th November 2020 at 11 am in the conference hall, FMHMC on an online platform. The program was presided by Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, FMHMC, Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal, FMHMC, Dr Vilma Meera D'souza, Vice Principal, FMHMC and Dr Jyoshna Shivaprasad, Prof. & HOD Department of Pediatrics. Dr ESJ Prabhu Kiran welcomed the gathering, Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta gave us his message and Dr Jyoshna Shivaprasad announced the results. The results of the competitions are as follows -

Fancy Dress competition

1.      1st PLACE - Ms Aurel Eva Lobo from Kankanady, Mangalore.

2.      2nd PLACE - Ms Joanna Rebello from Kundapur, Udupi.

3.      3rd  PLACE - Ms Asna Tessa from Ashok Nagar, Mangalore

Elocution Competition

1.      1st PLACE - Ms Chelsia Pearl Castelino from Kavoor, Mangalore.

2.      2nd PLACE - Ms Sianna Ashel Veigas from Kulshekar, Mangalore.

3.      3rd PLACE - Ms Devika Anoop from Gurgaon, Mumbai.

Mono Act Competition

1st PLACE - Ms Shalomi Angel Pinto from Permannur, Mangalore.

2nd PLACE - Mast Steve Jeff Lobo from Bajal, Mangalore.

3rd PLACE - Ms LINET LIJOY from Thrissur, Kerala.

Dr Reshel Noronha, Asst.Professor, Department of paediatrics, proposed the vote of thanks.

The program can be viewed on the following you tube link :

Children's Day - 2020 Competition Results
