
Workshop on mentoring, feedback & remedial measures for low achievers for teaching staff

Date :Jul 26, 2024

 A "Workshop on mentoring, feedback & remedial measures for low achievers" was organized by Medical Education Technology Unit for the Faculty members on the 26th of July 2024. Dr Shrinivasa Bhat, HOD & Professor, Dept of Psychiatry KSHEMA, Dr Kishan Prasad, Professor, Dept of Pathology, KSHEMA & Dr Shishir Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept of Psychiatry  KSHEMA were the Resource Persons.


The Program was held at the Seminar hall of Skill Lab, FMHMC, Deralakatte from 9.30 am to 1 pm. There was a short Inaugural Program at 9.30 am. Dr Sheena K N, Coordinator of METU, welcomed the gathering & introduced the Resource persons.


The first session was taken by Dr Kishan Prasad on Remedial measures for low achievers. He emphasized the importance of using different teaching methodology for the students as each student has their own way of learning. He stressed upon learning by "Do & Learn" as it retains more than just hearing & learning. He also gave examples of different kinds of learning methods like Doodles, Mind mapping etc: as well as peer mentoring which could be used for the slow learners.


Dr Shrinivasa Bhat was the second speaker who spoke on mentoring. He described the various methods of mentoring & highlighted the importance of referring to professional counsellors in case of need.


Dr Shishir Kumar spoke on Providing Effective Feedback. He focused the importance of feedback in the process of education. He listed the principles of effective feedback, also described the different techniques of feedback & explained how to provide effective feedback to a student.


The program was made more dynamic with few group activities pertaining to the topic like mentoring & getting feedback in different situations,


After the session, Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal, gave the concluding remarks of the program. He specified the importance of implementing various methods of mentoring & remedial measures for low achievers to ensure the competence-based curriculum learning to align in accordance to the principles & requirements as per NCH regulations. Certificate were presented to the resource person by the Principal


It was a unique experience for the faculty members to experience the various methods of teaching. A total of 30 faculty members attended the program.
