
World Arthritis Day 2020

Date :Oct 12, 2020

A week-long Homoeopathic Medical Camp for Arthritis was organized by the surgery Out Patient Department of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital from 12.10.2020 to 17.10.2020 in view of World Arthritis Day 2020. It was held in Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital Outpatient department between 09.00 AM and 4.00 PM. Free consultation and medicines were offered for the patients suffering from joint pains, neck pain, backache, chronic bone ailments, heel pains, etc.

Physiotherapy, Yoga and Naturopathy, Massage, Xray and blood investigations were provided at concessional rates for all the patients who visited the OPD. The doctors of the surgery OPD rendered their services for the smooth functioning of the camp.
