

Date :Nov 18, 2021

In view of National Naturopathy Day, a camp 'Nisargopachar' has been organised at Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital from 18.11.2021 till 18.12.2021. Inauguration of the camp was held on 18.11.2021 at 10 am in the Hospital premises.


Rev Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, Dr ESJ Prabhu Kiran, Principal, Dr Vilma D'Souza Vice Principal, Dr Girish Navada, Medical Superintendent, Dr Deepa Pais, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr Sajan K R, Coordinator, Medical Camps Coordination Committee were present on the occasion.


Rev Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, addressed the audience mentioning the importance of Naturopathy & Yoga and urged the public to utilize the benefits of the camp to remain healthy and fit.


Dr Nisha C, in-charge of Yoga and Naturopathy unit briefed the gathering about the various methods of  treatment involved in Naturopathy and Yoga.


Dr Nishal Preemal compered the program.
