
Inauguration of the Thyroid Camp

Date :Jun 16, 2022

A camp on thyroid related disease has been organised in Father Muller homoeopathic medical college from 16.06.2022 to 30.06.2022. inauguration of the camp was held on 16.06.2022 at 3p.m at in the OPD premises of FMHMC&H by lighting the lamp.


The administrator of FMHMC Rev.Fr Roshan Crasta, Principal Dr E S J Prabhukiran, Vice Principal Dr Vilma Meera D Souza. Medical superintendent Dr Girish Navada, Deputy medical superintendent Dr Deepa Pais, camp Co-Ordinator Dr Sajan & in charge doctors joined in the lighting of the lamp ceremony.


Administrator said about importance of arranging the camps, also he appreciated the effort taken by the coordinator along with Medical superintendent.


Dr Amrutha gave an awareness talk on thyroid related diseases in Kannada for the general public. 


Dr Sneha was the MC for the program.


This camp will be continuing for 15 days, necessary investigations will be done on concessional rates, patients will be screened for thyroid related diseases.
