
General Health Camp at Kirem, Damarskatte

Date :Feb 27, 2024



A general health camp, Cancer awareness and screening camp were held on 18th February 2023 at Our Lady of Remedies Church Hall, Kirem, Damaskatteorganised by Father Muller Medical College Hospital in collaboration with Jyothi Stre Sangatane, ICYM, Stre Ayogha and Arogya, Indian cancer society. Departments such as General Medicine, General Surgery, OBG, Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Surgical Oncology, Dermatology, ECG, Laboratory and Pharmacy services were available. Cancer screening was done through physical examination, Pap smear test, Oral examination and Breast self-examination. Ms Deepika N C Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Health Nursing was the camp coordinator. Three students from II-yearPBBSc Nursing participated in the camp activities by assisting in BP Checking, taking ECG and dispensing free medicines to the beneficiaries. There were 391 beneficiaries for this camp.
