
C'EST LA VIE 24 - UG Farewell

Date :Jul 20, 2024

To bid adieu to the outgoing batch "C'EST LA VIE 24" was organized by the juniors on 20th July 2024 at 2.30 pm in the college auditorium.


The programme was initiated with the photo session of the outgoing batch with management committee members. Following this, the dazzling divas, the Troizeanz made a grand entrance into the auditorium with the dignitaries.

The formal programme commenced by invoking the blessings of the almighty through a melodious prayer song by Miss Nile and team. Mr Akhil Monteiro, President Students' council welcomed the august gathering.


As a token of love and memoir on behalf of the Institution, mementos were presented to   90 outgoing students by the Director Rev Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Designate Director FMCI & Administrator Rev Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo, Assistant Administrator Rev Fr Ashwin Crasta, Principal Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran and Vice Principal Dr Vilma Meera D'Souza. 


Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College in his message "Commended the batch for their outstanding performances in both academics and extracurricular activities. Applauded the students for their keen enthusiasm towards research and successful completion of their research projects. Congratulated the batch for winning the Young Researcher Award for three consecutive years. Encouraged the students to embrace the principle of 'Aude Sapere'-Dare to be Wise in all their future endeavours, while always remaining humble."


Rev Fr Faustine Lobo, Designate Director FMCI and Administrator, in his message "Encouraged the graduates to go out and excel, always remembering their Alma Mater and carrying forward the legacy of Father Muller as brand ambassadors of the institution. "Reminded the batch that learning is a lifelong journey and encouraged them to have faith in homoeopathy and share their conviction with others. Enforced the statement that being grateful makes us great. Emphasized on fact to believe in their potential to bring about change in the world and urged them to excel wherever life leads.



Rev. Fr. Richard Coelho, Director of FMCI, stated in his presidential message we are chosen by God as instruments of healing and should be grateful for this privilege. He reminded the outgoing batch about the challenges ahead and the skills and knowledge to be acquired during your internship, urging them to respect and be empathic towards patients.


As the juniors bid adieu, the outgoing batch was filled with a sense of nostalgia, ready to leave the cherished halls of their esteemed Alma Mater and embark on their journey to serve the society. Representing the batch Ms Sandra Shruthi eloquently expressed admiration, gratitude and appreciation towards the institution and acknowledged its role in mentoring and moulding them into competent homoeopaths.


Ms Haripriya S, Magazine Secretary proposed the vote of thanks followed by the Institution Anthem.


The juniors hosted a captivating cultural extravaganza that left the audience mesmerized. 

Mr Ajay Jose and Ms Rehana Sadiya eloquently hosted the formal programme. Ms Kadambari, Ms Haripriya, Ms Shruthi FM and Ms Shreeja vivaciously anchored the cultural event and created a jubilant ambience.


To continue the legacy of Father Muller and uphold the motto "Heal and Comfort," the outgoing batch symbolically handed over lamps to the juniors. The programme concluded at 5.30 pm.
