
A session on Introduction to Research in Homeopathy: Priority Areas and Proposal writing

Date :Aug 12, 2024

The Student Research Club headed by Dr Raisa Cheriyan organized a session on "Introduction to Research in Homeopathy: Priority Areas and Proposal writing"  for the members of Student Research Club & students who were interested to attend on 12.08.2024.

Dr  Anahita R Shenoy, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Father Muller Medical College and Member Secretary, Father Muller Institutional Ethics Committee was the Resource person. The session was held in the Father Muller Seminar Hall of Father Muller Competence Learning Centre.

The programme commenced at 2.30 p.m, and MC Ms. K Kadambari, introduced the session and briefed the research activities of the College.

Dr K John Paul, Coordinator, Research and Scientific Committee introduced the Resource Person Dr Anahita R Shenoy to the gathering. Principal, Dr ESJ Prabhukiran welcomed the Resource Person florally.

Rev. Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo, Director Designate, FMCI & the Administrator, FMHMC&H, Principal Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Staff Advisor, Student Research Club Dr Raisa Cheriyan, Dr K John Paul, Coordinator, Research and Scientific Committee and Ms Srikanya K H, Secretary, Student Research Club were present for the session.

Rev. Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo felicitated the resource person with a certificate and a memento. Later he addressed the gathering about the meaning and need for research in the current scenario especially in Homoeopathy which was very insightful.

It was followed by session of Dr. Anahita R Shenoy. She enlightened the students on basics of research and how to prepare a research protocol. Around 50 students from first, third and fourth year attended the session. It included the members of the SRC and the other interested students. The programme ended at 4.30 pm.

Ms. Srikanya K H, Secretary, Student Research Club proposed vote of thanks.
