
Welcome to new Administrator, Rev Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo

Date :Jun 5, 2024

Rev Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo, Designated Director FMCI & Administrator FMHMC&H was welcomed with a warmth and jubilation by the Teaching, Nonteaching staff and Students' Council members on 05.06.2024.

The gathering was presided by Rev Fr Richard A Coelho, Director, FMCI and welcomed by the former Administrator Rev Fr Roshan Crasta.

A brief presentation was made about college from inception till present by Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal followed by a presentation about the hospital and its functioning by Dr Girish Navada U K, Medical Superintendent.

A formal handing over was held. The newly appointed Administrator addressed the gathering with the message of unity and team work. 
