
Observance of World Alzheimer's Day 2024

Date :Sep 19, 2024

Department of Mental Health Nursing along with the students of III BSc Nursing and I MSc Nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing observed the World Alzheimer's Day 2024 at Olavinahalli Rehabilitation Centre, Kinya, Mangaluru on 11.09.2024 at 10am. Rev Sr. Aileen Mathias, Superior of the Rehabilitation Centre welcomed the gathering and given a brief orientation of the centre. The programme was initiated by a prayer song followed by a role play by III BSc Nursing students based on the theme.  The students were performed various entertaining activities like group dance, group singing, conducting games and action songs for the elderly. The total beneficiaries were 97 inmates actively participated in the program. It was a joyous occasion that the team could bring some rays of happiness among the elderly.
